Its that time of the year again when everyone starts to ponder over the swift flight of time. BECAUSE OMG ANOTHER YEAR HAS GONE BY AAAHH! And here we go again, reminiscing over the past year whose fading memories won't last long. Wishing we could go go back to the way things were..
At the start of every year you begin setting goals, and making resolutions we both know will be forgotten in no time. 2011 came with a lot of great expectations of smiles and rainbows and butterflies.
The reality, however, was- well, real; with the bad days outnumbering the good days by a mile...
Did I change over the past year? I think so. Did I screw up? Hell yeah. But I'm still a teenager. I'm still learning.
Did I change over the past year? I think so. Did I screw up? Hell yeah. But I'm still a teenager. I'm still learning.
2011 is just hours away from vanishing into fairy dust. All I can do is keep my fingers crossed and wait for 2012 to do it's magic. No more exceedingly high expectations that compel my reality to be nothing but a let down. Especially since, I have reason to believe that life as we know it will come to a crashing halt on the 21st of December, 2012. And that unless you have your apocalypse gear ready or reserved your space in the arc, you will die. A dramatic and catastrophic death. With no happily ever after. Just like the movie.
I'm just a cynic, Reader; I see the glass as eternally half empty. So if I had to make a resolution for 2012, it would be to survive. Not just the apocalypse, but rather every curveball life throws me. I wish I could hire Gloria Gaynor to be my personal life coach.
Have a magical new year!